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劳动合同 Labour Contract 甲方: XXX有限公司(以下简称甲方)
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Labour Contract

甲方: XXX有限公司(以下简称甲方)

Party A: XXX Co., Ltd

乙方:XXX (以下简称乙方)

Party B: XXX


The following clauses are based on the equal negotiation from both parties.


1. 甲方聘用乙方为酒店西餐厅经理。

Part A employs Part B on the position of western restaurant

第二条 甲方的权利义务

Second Clause The rights and responsibility of Party A

1. 甲方以现金形式每月(5号)支付乙方每人5000元人民币(税后)。

Party A pays to Party B 5000RMB (after Tax) on 5th each month in cash.

2. 甲方为乙方提供住宿和免费洗衣(干洗除外)。甲方视情况可安排乙方在酒店住宿.

Party A offers free accommodation and free laundry to Party B (dry cleaning is not included.) According to the accommodation circumstances of the hotel, Party A will offer Party B stay in the hotel.

3. 甲方为乙方在餐厅提供膳食。

Party A offers Party B free accommodation.

第三条 乙方的权利义务

Third Clause The rights and responsibility of Party B

1. 乙方负责酒店西餐厅的全面管理工作。

Party B is responsible for the western restaurant management

2. 乙方每个星期有二天休假。具体日期根据酒店情况可调整时间。

Party B has two days off each week . According to the situation of the hotel, the off day could be changed.

3. 乙方的签证及相关证照,乙方自行付费办理。(甲方可提供协助)

Party B manage own visas and other related license. (Party A can offer assistants)

4. 由乙方原因造成的任何损失或影响,视具体情况由双方协商解决。

Any loss or influence which caused by Party B, both parties should negotiate according the situation.

第四条 其他

Forth Clause Others

1. 本协议有效期一个年,(2008年7月 1日至2009年6月30日)

The period of validity of the contract is one year

2. 本协议以中英文制成,一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。

This contract is written in English and Chinese, which is in triplicate, and they all have

equality force adeffect.

3. 与本协议有关的附件与本协议具有同等法律效力。

All the related enclosures of this contract have equality force adeffect. 4. 未尽事宜双方协商后另签补充协议,具有同等法律效力。

Other complementary agreements have equality force adeffect after both parties negotiate.

5. 自双方授权代表签字盖章后生效。

This contract takes effect after both parties’ authorized representatives to sign and stamp.

甲方(盖章) Party A (stamp) 代表人(签字) Representative (Signature) 日期: Date:

乙方(盖章) Party B (stamp) 代表人(签字)

Representative (Signature) 日期: Date:


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